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Spring 2021
Tuesday, April 20 - General Meeting. The program was presented by Shari Romar discussing pollinators.


General Mtg April 20:21

General Mtg 2

General Mtg 3
Saturday, April 23 - P.S 221 beautification with the participation of fifth grade students.

Saturday, April 10 It's My Park (IMP) Day at Glenwood Landing.
Celebrating our Centennial!
Our Douglaston Garden Club was founded on March 22, 1921
and is now 100 years old.
Happy Birthday DGC from all of us!

March 21, 2021 - Celebration at Catherine Richardson Park in Douglaston, NY. to honor DGC.
Awards presentation by Congressman Thomas Suozzi,
Edward Braunstein, Assemblyman, Jon Gallo, Community Liaison NYS Senator John C. Liu

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